Non-Profit Fee: $250

Vendor Booths includes a 10′ x 10′ vending space at the Festival with a 6′ table and 2 chairs.

Additional tables may be purchased at a rate of $15 per table.

New for 2025!

  • Returning Vendor Discount – Returning vendors receive a 10% discount on booth rentals
  • Fetish Organization/Non-Profit Alley – Calling all fetish non-profits and clubs. Are you a 501(c)3 or 4? Apply for free 10′ x 10′ tabling space at the festival. Limited slots are available.
  • Premium indoor boothsPricing and details TBA soon. Perfect for businesses that wish to have an opportunity to build out a storefront or activation inside the venue.
  • No more gravel lot! Vendors will be placed across concrete flooring either inside the venue, on the covered deck, or on level turf – all ADA accessible.

**Applications open between March 3rd, 2025 and June 30th 2025. This is subject to change without notice.**

Vendor Rules, Regulations, and Selection 

All the Kink Down South (KDS) Weekend Rules for vending (below) must be followed throughout the weekend.

The KDS team also reserves the right to amend these rules without prior or posted notice of change.  Please visit our website frequently for any changes to the rules.

  1. Electricity Usage – Electrical outlets can be arranged at an additional fee. Please indicate if you require power and our team will reach out to discuss details.
  2. Posting of Signs & Display Rules – Use of the space provided is up to the vendor, but certain restrictions apply:

    1.  Each vendor is restricted to the use of the space on top of, and immediately behind, their table. Side stands may be permitted, but only upon the approval of the KDS team.

    2. You may not encroach on your neighbor’s space (including neighbors behind you) without their permission. Please be courteous.

    3. Displays that include sounds or lights (including videos) are permitted as long as they do not annoy your fellow vendors and/or attendees. If complaints are received, you will be asked to turn off these items.

    4. Vendor merchants may only post items on the walls using approved materials, such as painter’s tape or 3M Command strips. No signs or flyers may be affixed to wood surfaces with any adhesive material. You are responsible for any damages you incur by hanging items on the wall.

    5. Each space comes with one table, unless otherwise requested. These requests MUST be submitted to the KDS team prior to set-up, or the table will remain for the duration of the Convention.

    6. If a booth set-up is requested, then tables will NOT be provided. Booth set-ups are an open-floor arrangement for the vendor to set up their own display within. 

  3. Prohibited Items – Please be aware of items prohibited for sale. This list may be updated at any time. Should you have questions about whether an item may or may not be sold, please contact us. The KDS team reserves the right to ask retailers to remove from display or sale any items the team feels are inappropriate. Prohibited items include (but are not limited to):

    1. Firearms, zero exceptions.

    2. Alcohol, zero exceptions.

    3. Weapons, zero exceptions.

    4. Flammable/incendiary items other than candles and incense.

    5. Candles and incense may not be lit for demonstration purposes.

    6. Scents and Perfumes must be limited if the smells are overbearing and affect other attendees.

    7. Home-made human-grade food items manufactured in facilities without FDA or local health inspector oversight. 

  4. Adult Material – Adult material is permitted, All Adult Material (including but not limited to print, video, computer-generated, drawn, audio and physical). Minors, those under 18 years of age, are not allowed during any portion of the event. During the Daytime Festival 18 and up can attend. Evening events depend on a venue’s policy. Any materials depicting sexual situations with minors will result in the immediate expulsion from the event and the full legal consequences as outlined by the state of Georgia.

  5. Retailer Liability – Vendors are responsible, within reason, for any damage to property and/or equipment loaned to them due to inappropriate use. Property and equipment may not be modified in any way, including but not limited to: Holes, chips, paint, glue or damage due to rough or inappropriate behavior. 

  6. Vendor Expectations to Satisfy Attendance Needs – Vendors are expected to pay their invoice for their exhibitor table no later than one month before the convention begins unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the KDS team and vendor representative.

  7. Setup – Vendor setup will be available via signup for Friday, August 1st from 10am – 6pm. Additional time will be available from 9am – 12pm on Saturday, August 2nd  The Festival will be open:

    1. Saturday, August 2nd 12pm – 8pm

    2. Sunday, August 3rd 12pm – 8pm.

  8. Breakdown – Vendor breakdown begins promptly at 8PM. Unless otherwise arranged prior, vendors must be packed up and off site no later than 10PM Sunday, August 3rd.
  9. Returning Vendor Discount – Returning vendors receive a 10% discount on booth rentals.